9:00 AM - Classrooms. Discipleship is important to us and we have a heavy focus on Sunday School classes. We realize small groups not only help us dig deeper into God's Word but they give us a chance to share life together. Accountability, sharing praise reports, and prayer requests enable Sunday School classes to keep us filled up and ready for our upcoming busy weeks! We have a variety of classes and teachers. Check in at the Welcome Center to get a list of times and locations.
adult sunday school
worship one
10:00 AM - Sanctuary. Worship One is our traditional worship experience. The best song leader around, a choir, instruments, and, most importantly, the presence of God make this service special.
worship two
10:00 AM - Fireside Room. Worship Two is our progressive worship experience. A worship band, tables and chairs, and donuts are just the physical differences in our two services. God's presence, growing through a Christ centered sermon and fellowship with other believers are the things that they have in common. We would love to have to come and visit. We're always looking for new friends to share this journey with!
worship three
5:30 PM - Fireside Room. Worship Three / Adoracion Tres is our service for our Spanish Speaking Community.
Es un Ministerio en Español de nuestra Edmond First Church of the Nazarene. Nuestra comunidad hispana se reúne los domingos, en el horario de las 5:30PM, en el templo (Fireside Room.) Para facilitar el acceso, , hay una entrada directa al santuario en el lado oeste. (Parte trasera) con su respectivo parqueadero!
Los Servicios en Español que Adoración Trés ofrece son:
Los Miércoles (6:30pm)
Clases de Inglés y de Discipulado para todas las edades! (Niños, jóvenes y Adultos) Tanto en Español como en Ingles)
Los Sábados
Reuniones para parejas (8:00-9:30pm)
Y los Domingos
Servicio de Celebración en Español (5:30pm
Sean más que Bienvenidos!
A esta familia en Cristo de “Adoración Trés”
“Adoramos al Padre, al hijo y al Espíritu Santo tres en uno, nuestro Señor y Salvador Jesucristo!